3 min readFeb 14, 2022


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In a world consumed by social media, online communities and digital marketing has become the new way to communicate. While we have spent years consuming media via social networks, many of us are now finding ourselves managing online communities for business or pleasure. So, what does it take to be successful as a social media community manager? I have asked myself this question quite often, and after hours upon hours of research and a few thousand dollars invested into graduate level social media courses, I think I may have come up with the perfect recipe. While there are hundreds of things you can do to be an epic community manager, these 4 things are a surefire way to get you headed on the right path!

Become a Member

Sounds weird, I know. Hear me out though. We all want to fit in and be heard. By allowing yourself to become a member, and not just a manager of the community, you are better understanding what people want and what people need from you. Essentially, when you are one of them, it makes your job easier while making your community even better! So, do yourself a favor and immerse yourself within the community to better understand the needs.

Be a Cheerleader

L-E-T-S-G-O, Let’s Go! Let’s Go! Obviously, that was my best shot at my high school football game cheer. Never thought I would use it as a social media strategy, but alas, here we are! To be an incredible social media community manager, you’re going to want to hype up your community. Everyone needs a little motivation and inspiring others should be something you’re passionate about. Your community will love knowing you feel so passionate about the things they are also passionate. Take that hype and fuel your content with it to encourage the members of your community to engage and inspire other members to be apart of the community. Positivity breeds positivity! Go Team, GO!!

Think Quick!

Be a hustler, baby! When your community speaks, talk back! Being engaged in the conversation as it is happening could make a huge difference to your members. Get involved in the conversation, respond frequently, and make sure you’re checking regularly for responses. When your members are reaching out to be heard or directly to you, the quicker you respond, the more they feel heard!

Come Prepared

While managing a community might seem easy, it requires organization and a plan. Consistency is so important when it comes to leading a community. Regular posting and engaging in other’s posts will pay dividends once you get into a rhythm. That said, it is very easy to ‘fall off’ and forget your group. Remember, the less you’re posting and engaging with them, the more likely it is that they stop posting and engaging as well. So, make a plan! Use the resources available to you, such as social media calendars or automatic posting options that allow you to ‘pre-plan’ your posts. This will help keep you on task for your regular and consistent posts, giving you time to create more content and comment on posts created by your community members.




Grad Student. Project Manager. Mom of 2. Lover of all things social media.